269 Animal Solidarity Tattoo Event

“…the question is not, Can they reason? nor, Can they talk?
but, Can they suffer?” / Jeremy Bentham


Following the extreme protest carried out by Israeli animal rights activists, in which they branded themselves with the number “269”, after a calf they met on a factory farm, the project continues: On November 1, which is International Vegan Day, the activists carried out a tattoo event, in which everyone was invited to get a 269 tattoo in solidarity with the suffering of animals raised and killed for human use and consumption.

The event created worldwide waves, and sister-events were carried out in many locations, such as Melbourne, Australia:

Augusta, Georgia, US:

Johannesburg, South Africa:

The Israel Solidarity Event:

The 269 official site

The 269 Facebook page

Picture gallery

4 thoughts on “269 Animal Solidarity Tattoo Event

  1. Thanks a lot (your post brought us many members and participants, and is one of the main sources directing people to us)!
    One of our members published your post on our event page here: http://www.facebook.com/events/266481173473595/permalink/279558865499159/?ref=notif&notif_t=like
    There are news, by the way:) We finally released the video from Israel 269 tattoo day:

    I didn’t take part in its making, so I guess it’s ok to me to say that I find it very moving.

    Also, there will be another, second international identification with “269” tattoo event (http://www.facebook.com/events/266481173473595/?ref=ts&fref=ts it’s the same facebook age, only we changed the date) for those who couldn’t make it on November 1st or didn’t know about it.
    It would symbolically be on December 18 International Day for the Abolition of Slavery (we simply changed the date of the former event on the webpage), conveying the message that non-human slaves are still waiting for their liberation…and that for them, slavery never ended. That we hope that the lessons from human slavery will be learned, and that people will learn that the number of legs, the villosity of the skin, the termination of the sacrum, are reasons equally insufficient as the blackness of the skin, to abandon sensitive beings without rendress to the caprice of a tormentor. That the question should not be “Can they reason?” Nor “Can they talk?” But “Can they suffer?”
    In the first international tattoo event attended participants from USA, Portugal, South Africa, Nevada, Ireland, Ethiopia, Australia…
    This time we are expecting more than 800 people worldwide that approved their participation (additional participants are invited to approve their attendance on the page in the above link and meanwhile to send their picture with “go vegan – free 269” sign to http://181756348627982/?fref=ts, instructions http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=295666650539788&set=o.181756348627982&type=3&theater, in order to spread the word).

    So if you would like to keep sharing our events in order to recruit more people (the more, the merrier) it would be great, and anyway, thanks for your support so far.


      • My e-mail was such a mess, I saw your response just now…
        You’re welcome!
        Thanks a lot for you commitment, it’s very appreciated…

        Also, we could use a little help, if you can.
        Tomorrow (on the 13th of December), an Argentinian AR organization by the name of Ánima (http://www.anima.org.ar/) will hold a branding event in solidarity with all the victims of the animal exploitation and in union with the original branding performance in Tel-Aviv.

        If you are able to at all help us in the matter, it would be greatly appreciated.
        Any promotional support you are able and willing to offer, in whatever form you see fit (for us sending the press release to the local media seems the most important, but we would probably also have great materials after the event if you’d like to post about it;) ), would greatly assist the cause.

        Here’s the press release (Ánima’s official poster is here: https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=378463078915070&set=a.351898754904836.85054.351005438327501&type=1) in case you would like to help:

        International Animal Rights’ Day

        Thursday, December 13, 18:30

        Republic Square, facing the Obelisk. Buenos Aires, Argentina.

        Organizer: Ánima (http://www.anima.org.ar/) – ethic for animal rights.
        [In case of rain, postponed for December 14. In case of rain again: December 17]

        As part of the International Animal Rights Day (December 10), Ánima activists will hold a performance that symbolizes the subjugation and appropriation inflicted upon enslaved animals: a flesh branding.

        This act is performed in internationally in solidarity with all the victims of the animal exploitation, and in cooperation with 269life (http://www.269life.com/).
        With this public demonstration, we are unified with the Israeli branding event held on Oct 2th of this year in Tel-Aviv (http://youtu.be/RA4q1pU957c).


        Every day, our society attests old and new forms of subjection that reassert inequality and violation the basic rights of individuals.

        Demanding attention above all else is the great ethical quandary of S.XXI: the pervasive and unjustified enslavement of animals. We use them daily for whatever purpose we see fit, without any valid justification for our callous actions.

        We believe that the animal rights movement needs to build a new society where prejudices and myths are exposed for what they are: excuses that together we can set aside.

        December 10 is the anniversary of the ratification of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights; it was chosen as the date of UDAR in order to reveal the hypocrisy inherent within the fact that these basic rights do not extend to non-human animals.

        For more information and interviews please contact:
        Ana María Aboglio
        by email: otramirada@anima.org.ar.

        Thanks again for your help so far,

  2. Pingback: 269 is free! | Femina Invicta

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